About Bultabäcken
About Bultabäcken

Bultabäcken (Bulta brook) is an investment company with a focus on industrial values and value-creating perspectives on innovations to improve the long term value of fixed assets, with inspiration from the mining and iron manufacturing industry around Norsån and in the parishes of Västansjö, Sunnasjö and Norrbo in Dalarna.

Bultabäcken is a small brook that connects to various water flows which constituted a vital part of the iron production and manufacturing in the area in the 18-19th century. With the spirit from Bultabäcken we create greatness from small beginnings.

Purpose and Values

Purpose and values:

  • To conduct long-term value-creating asset management through active ownership.
  • To develop sustainable companies.
  • To increase net asset value and thereby generate a return for Bultabäckens shareholders that exceeds the market’s required rate of return.
  • Operations shall be conducted with high integrity and a sustainable approach.
Value Creation

Shareholder value is created mainly through active ownership aimed at contributing to the portfolio companies operational and strategic development, and through a professional investment operation.

The business model is based on Bultabäckens relative strengths, including a long-term investment perspective, strong positions of influence, a well-developed ownership model, depth of industrial knowledge and experience, financial strength and an extensive network.


Strategy – Market and product expansion – targeting new customer groups or broadening the product offering.

Acquisitions – Expansion by acquiring competitors or companies with similar or complementary products, technologies or market presence.

Innovation – Supporting existing portfolio companies with digital tools and implement method and procedures to accelerate people, process and technology in order future-proof the organizations for the long-run.

Sustainability-Operational Excellence-Strategic Repositioning

Operational Excellence – Bultabäcken provides access to broad expertise in management that helps the portfolio companies to increase efficiency and profitability.

Strategic Repositioning – Utilizing changing industry dynamics, investing in future technologies and divesting non-core businesses, to create a base for rapid expansion.


Sustainability is an integral part of Bultabäckens business model

Sustainability – Having a long-term, responsible and sustainable economic life cycle approach to investment and ownership is Bultabäckens way to create value for investors, portfolio companies and society as a whole.

The EU Taxonomy – is a tool to help investors understand whether an economic activity is environmentally sustainable, and to navigate the transition to a low-carbon economy. Setting a common language between investors, issuers, project promoters and policy makers, it helps investors to assess whether investments are meeting robust environmental standards and are consistent with high-level policy commitments such as the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.